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    Donnerstag, 5. Januar 2023
    WmdedgT 1/2023

    (Alles über WmdedgT bei Frau Brüllen)

    Der heutige Tag begann gleich mit dem Aufwachen sehr spannend, denn ich wusste ja nicht, in welchem Gesundheitszustand ich mich befinden würde. Die Nacht hatte ich 10 Stunden lang quasi reglos unter drei Decken geschlafen - ich bin eigentlich die Freundin der Antigewichtsdecke, im Sommer lege ich mich ohne irgendwas auf's Bett und schlafe, aber gestern Abend war mir bis auf die Knochen kalt, also legte ich alles, was ich fand, einfach über mich und schlief dann ein. Als ich mich morgens aus all dem Zeug hervorgearbeitet hatte, fühlte ich mich eigentlich ganz gut, mein Körper war aber außerordentlich produktiv in Bezug auf Rotz und Schleim. Ich befürchtete, unter Menschen geächtet zu werden und blieb daher zu Hause.

    Das Aufwachen war gegen 8:30 Uhr, um 9 Uhr saß ich am Schreibtisch, um 10 Uhr musste ich den Schreibtisch verlassen, weil ich so unglaublich irrsinnigen Hunger hatte und sofort Toast mit weichgekochtem Ei essen musste. Ich aß zwei Toast und zwei Eier und es fühlte sich in meinem Magen maximal so an, als hätte ich einmal tief geatmet. Also machte ich einen Coronatest, diesen krass übersteigerten Hunger hatte ich mit Corona ja zuletzt, der Test ist aber negativ und die aktuelle Unpässlichkeit fühlt sich auch komplett anders an, nämlich wie eine leichte Bronchitis mit verstopften Nebenhöhlen, das Gehirn ist aber ganz normal und die Müdigkeit nicht mehr als einem leichten Erkältungszustand angemessen. In einer Übersprungshandlung montierte ich daher den Duschvorhang ab, schrubbte die Wand hinter der Dusche, reinigte den oberen Fenstersims und im ganzen Bad die Kante zwischen Fliesen und Tapete und brachte einen neuen Duschvorhang an.

    Dann kehrte ich an den Schreibtisch zurück, tat so dies und das, zwischen dem dies und das rief der Bestatter wieder an, ich rief meine Schwestern an, meine andere Schwester rief mich an, ich rief Papa N an und ich rief den Bestatter an, was man halt so gut. Dann hatte ich wieder grauenhaften Hunger und bestellte Pizza, schaffte davon aber nur ein Viertel, was nicht schlimm ist, denn ich esse gerne kalte Pizza und muss mich jetzt nicht vor der Nacht sorgen.

    Die Arbeit war trotz Unterbrechungen entspannt, es macht viel aus, wenn man nicht den ganzen Tag "ohgott-ich-muss-das-Wichtigste-jetzt-sofort-machen-weil-wer-weiß-was-passiert-und-evtl-muss-ich-beim-nächsten-Anruf-ins-Auto-springen-und-komme-erst-eine-Woche-später-zurück". Das war ja jetzt schon, jetzt kann ich also ganz normal arbeiten und Sachen, die in drei Tagen dringend sind, in einem oder in zwei Tagen noch machen und nicht unbedingt heute. Also theoretisch, praktisch nicht, übermorgen ist ja Wochenende und da werde ich im Bett liegen und Antikörper ausbrüten denn mein Plan mit der Impfung morgen steht immer noch. Ich habe das recherchiert, bzw. es wurde für mich recherchiert: ein leichter Infekt mit Körpertemperatur unter 38,5 Grad spricht nicht gegen eine Impfung.

    Ich arbeitete so entspannt, dass ich um 16:45 Uhr sogar bemerkte, dass ich plötzlich echt müde war, so richtig erkältungsmüde, also wechselte ich in den Sessel, warf mir die Heizdecke über und schlief wieder eine Runde. Danach fand ich im Sessel heraus, das der Weihnachtsbaum heuer (Achtung, falls Sprachprofiler*innen unterwegs sind, dieses Blog wurde nicht gekapert, ich habe mir nur "heuer" angewöhnt, weil es gefälliger zu Tippen ist als "dieses Jahr", besonders das "ses" fällt mir etwas schwer, weil ich mir beim Fußball mal am linken Ringfinger einen Kapselriss zugezogen habe und dann weder noch richtig Triller auf der Blockflöte spielen konnte noch halt jetzt in mir angenehmen Tempo "ses" tippen), also jedenfalls muss er erst am 19.1. um 6 Uhr morgens vor der Tür liegen. Das kommt mir gelegen, ich habe ihn nämlich noch nicht ausreichend angeschaut, erst haben wir ihn ja selbst gefällt, dann kurz keine Zeit gefunden, ihn aufzustellen und dann noch weniger Zeit als je zuvor gehabt, er stand dann zwar aber wurde nur mit Licht geschmückt und dann war ich halt sowieso gar nicht mehr da. Er ist noch sehr schön, der Weihnachtsbaum, und ich freue mich, dass ich ihn jetzt noch fast zwei Wochen vom Sessel aus anschauen kann, er nadelt nämlich noch gar nicht, oh da fällt mir ein, ich gieße ihn dann jetzt nochmal.

    So. Jetzt habe ich den Baum gegossen und daneben gegossen und kann nun berichten: wenn ich ausreichend enerviert bin, kann ich einen 2,50-m-Baum inklusive gefülltem Ständer mit einer Hand hochheben und quer durch den Raum an eine andere Stelle tragen. Diese Aktion hat mich jetzt wieder hungrig gemacht - zum Abendessen gab es Kartoffel-Kohlrabi-Gratin und es war noch etwas übrig, das esse ich jetzt noch und glaube, dann gehe ich wieder schlafen. Vielleicht nochmal mit drei Decken. Ob ich morgen für die Arbeit das Haus verlasse, entscheide ich spontan je nach Gefahr der Ächtung morgen früh.

    Mittwoch, 4. Januar 2023
    4.1.23 - Ächz

    Der Sitz im Regionalexpress war heute so unglaublich weich und tief und federnd, dass ich kurz dachte, ich sei gar nicht im RE sondern in einem tollen Sessel. Ich weiß nicht, warum das so war, normal sind diese Sitze anders. Härter und die Sitzfläche kürzer. Ich wäre beinah für immer, ich meine wirklich für immer, sitzen geblieben.

    Ich bin nämlich krank, also nicht krank, eher kränkelnd, die letzte Nacht hatte ich Reizhusten und tagsüber fing der Hals an zu jucken, vorhin habe ich Fieber gemessen aber die Temperatur war nicht messbar, das lag aber nur an der Batterie des Thermometers, die ich dann ausgetauscht habe, sie ging aber nicht richtig raus, klemmte irgendwie fest, mit einem Messer ging es dann und sie flog durch die Küche, ich musste sie suchen, damit die Katzen sie nicht finden, Sie sehen, wo das hingeht, es ist alles unangemessen anstrengend. Die kullernde Batterie (LR41 übrigens - ja, ich halte für sowas Ersatz vorrätig, wobei der Ersatz mindestens haltbar bis 2018 war, funktioinert aber noch) erinnerte mich daran, dass mir heute im Büro mein Büroklammerbehälter herunterfiel und daraus eine halbe sehr kleine Pille hervorkullerte. So Büros in der Finanzbranche haben ja den Ruf, dass man da alles mögliche finden kann, ich war schon sehr gespannt aber der Geschmackstest ergab, dass es Süßstoff war. Ekelhaft.

    Ansonsten bin ich vielleicht verrückt geworden. Morgens wachte ich auf und in einer Millisekunde spielte sich in meinem Kopf folgendes ab: ich sorgte mich um Mama N., mir fiel ein, dass sie tot ist, ich war kurz erleichtert, dass ich mich nicht sorgen muss, war dann irritiert über meine Erleichterung und sorge mich dann sofort um M, die im Skiurlaub ist und auch kränkelt. "Hört das irgendwann auf??" fragte ich entnervt Cucinacasalinga. "Ich glaub nicht", antwortete sie.

    Später rief das Bestattungsunternehmen an. Ich sah die Nummer und bekam einen Schreck, es könnte ja etwas passiert sein, dann fiel mir ein, dass ja wirklich alles Schlimme schon passiert ist, jetzt könnten höchstens noch absurde Dinge passieren, auch diese Gedankengänge wieder in Sekundenbruchteilen, ich meldete mich entspannt bis latent amüsiert über meine eigenartigen Gedanken, es war natürlich überhaupt nichts passiert und das Gespräch rein organisatorisch, trotzdem hatte ich danach das Gefühl, ich müsse wieder 100 Jahre schlafen. Statt dessen ging ich mit einer Kollegin Wiener Schnitzel essen. Und zum Nachtisch Kaiserschmarrn.

    Später rief noch das Sanitätshaus an, dort hatte ich die Abholung von einigen Hilfsmitteln beauftragt und um Kontaktaufnahme per Mail gebeten. Der Mitarbeiter war sehr fröhlich. "Schön, dass Ihre Mutter die Hilfsmittel nicht mehr braucht!" sagte er. "Naja, geht so, sie ist halt gestorben", antwortet ich. Es herrschte länger Stille, als am Telefon üblich ist. "Es tut mir unglaublich leid, Ihr Verlust und dass ich das gesagt habe, normal wird mir das aufgeschrieben - ach du meine Güte, hier unten steht es ja, und auch, dass ich nicht anrufen soll, ich bin so ein Idiot!" - "Ist nicht so schlimm, kann ja passieren", sagte ich, der Mitarbeiter fand aber, das könne keinesfalls passieren, er klang, als sei er selbst jetzt kurz vor Weinen. "Also für mich ist alles okay, wenn für Sie nicht, dann machen Sie das bitte irgendwie mit sich selbst aus, ich lege dann jetzt auf", sagte ich, und tat genau das. Meine Güte. Der arme Kerl. Aber nicht meine Baustelle.

    So, und jetzt also Erkältung. Denke nicht, dass es Corona ist, das fühlte sich ganz anders an, es fühlt sich wirklich so an, wie diese Sache, die man vor 2020 immer mal hatte. Ich hatte ja vor, jetzt alles Mögliche zu machen, ablenkendes Amüsement und dergleichen, mein Körper hingegen hat wohl entschieden, jetzt, wo er nach vielen Wochen nicht mehr nonstop auf Adrenalinüberdosis läuft, manches einfach mal nicht zu machen, zum Beispiel Immunabwehr. Damit bin ich nicht einverstanden und gehe mit Wärmeflasche und vielen Getränken dagegen vor.

    Danke für die vielen guten Wünsche und die Anteilnahme.

    Sonntag, 1. Januar 2023

    Also nun 2023.

    Das alte Jahr hat, bevor es zur Tür raus ist, nochmal den ganz großen Mistkübel ausgeleert, danke für nichts. Und okay, sicher waren auch irgendwelche Sachen gut 2022, aber es fällt mir momentan schwer, mich daran zu erinnern, denn in den letzten Tagen des Jahres ist Mama N. gestorben und ich bin einfach unglaublich traurig. Und ich bin eine ganze Menge anderes, ist alles sehr verwirrend. Ich bin nämlich auch erleichtert, dass die letzten paar Wochen vorbei sind, die waren sehr schlimm und hätten als langfristiger Zustand nicht getaugt. Die letzten Jahre waren insgesamt eine Achterbahnfahrt, wir hatten sehr viel Schönes zusammen aber wir hatten auch eine ständige Alarmbereitschaft und mentale Anspannung jenseits von Gut und Böse.

    Ich bin so erschüttert, ich finde es völlig unverständlich, dass die Welt sich einfach weiterdreht aber gleichzeitig möchte ich so sehr aufspringen und wieder mitmachen und leben-leben-leben und auch gleichzeitig habe ich das Gefühl, ich muss jetzt erstmal hundert Jahre lang nur schlafen. Und aus mir ist der Sorgenknoten, der mir ständig Übelkeit und Schwere und Herzrasen bei jedem Telefonklingeln gemacht hat, verschwunden aber dafür bin ich jetzt traurig. Einfach unendlich traurig.

    Es ist ein furchbares Durcheinander in mir, ich nehme mal an, das ist Trauer und nehme weiter optimistisch an, das ist normal und wird sich finden mit der Zeit.

    Pläne für 2023 habe ich dementsprechend keine, was mich nochmal zusätzlich durcheinander bringt, denn das, was ich den vergangenen Jahren sehr beklagt habe, war das ständige Zerschellen meiner Pläne an Notfallsituationen. Jetzt könnte ich besser planen und möchte nicht, weil ich nicht weiß in welche Richtung, weil ich mich erstmal durchsortieren möchte. In meinem Kalender stehen zig Termine für das nächste Jahr aber ich kann mich darauf emotional momentan nicht einlassen und gehe erst einmal ganz niedrigschwellig vor: für nächsten Freitag habe ich meinen Omikron-Booster (per Impfung, nicht per Infektion) gebucht und werde danach wieder in den Chor einsteigen.

    Samstag, 24. Dezember 2022
    Der große Adventskalender TP - 24. Türchen

    N: Does it go well with my skin tone?

    H: I think it would go very well with your skin tone and it looks a bit more dramatic than your “Mrs. Always Right”. It’s more decisive.

    N: Then yes, I’d like that.

    H: Because today I have to go there again and the good thing is, and this is why I asked you this question – that I can now go to the store because I need to buy something for the baby and I can also buy something for you which you enjoy afterwards, so it doesn’t feel like a complete waste of time if I go again.

    N: Yes, because you can justify your compulsive buying.

    H: You are slightly right, I'm afraid I have a mild shopping addiction. Because I enjoy. I really enjoy having good things. But the cool thing is, that my things last for years, I only buy good quality…

    N: You are speaking to the audience again, we know all that, so now because you have all those long lasting things you start buying things for me.

    H: Which is a good thing because you don’t like shopping.

    N: I don’t mind the act of clicking a link and paying, I just dislike the search and research. You sort of just bought me 2 pairs of shoes, you sent the link and I clicked and paid. I have a question too now that you speak of buying nail polish for me. Do we give each other a Christmas present? Because if so, I have to click another link now. You know I have a bit of a special situation in my private life at the moment, so I have not been able to do anything so far.

    H: You don’t have to buy anything, I’ll get a Christmas present for the both of us.

    N: Yes, okay, but you know I don't want to have the situation where we come into your living room. And the dog knocks over the Christmas tree and then you give us presents and we don’t have any. I am not prepared for any further emotional upheaval at the moment.

    H: Let me talk!

    N: But you talk all the time, we need this chess clock.

    H: But you ask all those questions and instead of letting me answer this very easily you continue asking more questions!

    N: Yes, this is because it’s a conversation.

    H: But if you have serious questions, you must give me a chance to answer them, and it's a… wait, WAIT! Don’t speak again!

    N: I think this transcript could have been an email.

    H: I’ll get something nice just for the two of us.

    N: Now this sounds sexual.

    H: No, I meant only the two of us get presents, the men and the kid don’t. Anyway we never give each other Christmas presents.

    N: You did last time.

    H: But it was only very small.

    N: Ok and it was something someone else had given you, someone told me later.

    H: I’ll take care of the presents and you bring a bottle of Champagne.

    N: I have that here already.

    H: And if it’s in your office so it’s the good stuff.

    N: It is, but this was one of the pains I suffered in the last couple of weeks, I wanted to buy like a truckload of champagne and I couldn’t get Veuve Clicquot! I had to buy Moet!

    H: I have Veuve here!

    N: Semi-sec?

    H: Yes!

    N: So we can do a champagne tasting!

    H: That’s pretty cool and we’ll have it all for ourselves because I bought so much beer for our husbands. And I think that’s a very appropriate end of the year for us. For you because it was such a shitty year for you and for me because it was such a successful year for me, and in both cases you have to drink something really good by the end of it.

    N: That’s right. Okay, so what about your baby?

    H: It’s not my baby. The situation is, I have this husband

    N: Oh, my God!

    H: I’m just kidding.

    N: No, you’re not, I saw him just a minute ago!

    H: Oh, yeah, that’s true, I do have him but this is not going into the direction that I am getting pregnant.

    N: Oh my God!!! He has someone else??

    (Wie es weitergeht erfahren Sie später hier.)

    Freitag, 23. Dezember 2022
    Der große Adventskalender TP - 23. Türchen (Teil 2)

    (Was zunächst geschah - und wie viele Koffer Fra H für ihren Shoppingzwang benötigt - erfahren Sie hier!)

    H: Well, each person takes one suitcase, that’s 3 and there’s one suitcase for the dog, because she has a lot of things.

    N: But you don’t need to pack other humans’ suitcases. Only the dog’s because she has paws and no thumb, so it is difficult for her. But your husband and your kid have thumbs, they can do their own packing.

    H: But but you know what the problem is.

    N: No, I don't know what the problem is.

    H: Okay, I'm gonna explain it to you. Of course I can say if I don't pack, then it's not my problem if you miss things, but we will be on the island, and people who pack wrongly will complain the entire day.

    N: You just ignore that. Take headphones. You only have a problem if someone wears your size but your husband doesn’t…

    H: The kid wears my sweaters!

    N: Then tell him to stop that.

    H: Just a moment I need to micro-manage someone to my right.

    N: Oh, the commune again, hello everyone!

    Mr. H: Hello, hello!

    N: Oh and the dog, poor thing without thumbs. Anyway. You wanted to ask me a question and the question was probably not “should I pack the suitcases for other humans with thumbs or not”.

    H: I’ve forgotten my question.

    N: Was it about food maybe?

    H: No, you interrupted me and then I said something about food and New Year but I wanted to ask you something else, I don’t remember – oh yes I do! On your birthday you appeared to me like a person who was planning to broaden her horizon, to explore more, you know, with regards to nail colors.

    N: Oh yes, absolutely.

    H: And yesterday when I was at Rossmann, because you see I go shopping every single fucking day…

    N: I know. This is because of your shopping addiction.

    H: No, I don’t think so, it’s just that we always need stuff, like yesterday I needed to have the little bags where I can put the presents in. So I need them and I have to go to Rossmann because this is where you buy them. And I was looking for things for the holidays for myself and other humans, I felt so chrismasy, I wanted nail polish that is really red. Only really red. So I looked at the shelf of the nail polish that we usually buy and thought “I have to concentrate now” and then I saw a color that was really red and I took it and looked at it and guess what it was called? “Really Red”. So my question was, do you want “Really Red”?

    (Und ob ich wirklich Wirklich Rot möchte erfahren wir morgen.)

    Donnerstag, 22. Dezember 2022
    Der große Adventskalender TP - 22. Türchen

    H: What am I looking at?

    N: My cat’s butt.

    H: Oh. Why are you at home?

    N: Because I will go to a Christmas party with my husband later on and it involves dressing up and going someplace in the woods by car. And so if I have to get home in time for this I would have had to leave the office at 3 o'clock or so, just to be on the safe side, and that's too much stress for me, so I decided to be at home, work from here, dress some time in between and I don’t have to schedule time for things that may go wrong. And it’s somewhere in the woods, you can only get there by car. Very annoying. I don’t really understand why people do Christmas Parties in places where you can only go by car. I’m such a public transporty person, I checked the menu of the venue and it said “Monatskarte” and my first thought was oh, you can buy a pass for a month and eat there every day. If you have a car.

    H: But I think the location where the office is can only be reached by car, too, right?

    N: Yes, ugh. Not everyone is so fortunate to live and work in a city center.

    H: I’m officially on vacation now but I’m not quite – oh the kid is coming. Hello, hello – and the dog is coming too!

    N: Hello kid, hello dog – this is a bit like a hippie commune. People coming in and going out again all the time, animals and so on. And here is my husband now, too. And your kid again. I’m stressed.

    H: He eats all the Christmas sweets. Oh my camera is going crazy. Can we start the THING now?

    N: I thought we had started it already, I have already made my one joke for the day.

    H: I say something Christmasy – my lip is cold. I have a cold lip.

    N: A cold sore?

    H: No, I don’t have herpes or the like. I just get very dry lips when it is cold, my skin gets very dry and my lips get dry and it may be a bit red even. Anyway, I thought I was on vacation and then I got an email from an NGO, a humanitarian NGO. I never heard of them. And they have a little job, and they want me to do that job. And they wanted an offer, and then I thought but I know that normally NGOs don't accept my offer because they pay different rates. So I think this will be my first pro bono because it's Christmas.

    N: Huh? Is it a Nigerian NGO? Do you normally do some sort of KYC process?

    (Teil II erscheint bald hier.)

    Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2022
    Der große Adventskalender TP - 21. Türchen (Teil 2)

    (Teil 1 ist hier.)

    N: Nah, most things are almost through. We closed accounts last Friday, So now it's only cleaning up the mess sort of, the remains. Get rid of the errors and things that don’t quite match and I like that because I like to look into things that went wrong, things that go right are boring, I’m interestedin mistakes and in how to find out to make it better.

    H: I would be interested in doing that as well, but I just don’t make mistakes.

    N: Well, yeah, it's not that I find my own mistakes, I find other people’s mistakes. Maybe there is also someone who checks on me but they havent been in touch yet. I can look into your work for mistakes if you like!

    H: That’s a cute idea but I’m almost through with everything, I had a tiny meeting today and I have a last one on Thursday that is really only drinking coffee. And I need to hand in one more document which I am writing right now and it has to be handed in tomorrow by 12, and then I’m officially on vacation.

    N: Oh I had a very funny phone call this morning! I needed information from someone, external, not internal, an institution, sort of. So I called the person and the assistant answered and I said I want to speak to this person please. And the assistant said “She is not available for you”. So I thought oh, this is great, she is not unavailable, which would be a problem, she is just not available for me, which is a situation that can be much more easily resolved than if she was on vacation or dead or something, so this is really good news! So I asked “Who is she available for?” and the assistant was so taken aback taht there was no clear answer. So I asked if she was available for my boss and the assistant said yes, of course. So I said well, I’m speaking with his voice and his authority, so put me through already! And she did. It was hilarious!

    H: But I like that answer - not available for you. Was it in English or in German?

    N: German.

    H: What was the exact phrase? I need to memorize that.

    N: She said “ist für Sie derzeit nicht zu sprechen”. But be careful, it was not a good answer, it is an opening and you can just put your foot in the door. It was actually pretty stupid. But it made me so happy when she said this. Finally something interesting is happening, you know, it’s all year I gotta call someone and follow up on something, that’s very boring, but then the person on the other side wants to play! And suddenly I am alive!

    H: And you saw me, you saw my reaction to this totally crazy person because I immediately saw the beauty of the situation!

    N: Yes and I was actually surprised that this assistant knows me at all, I wouldn’t have thought so. But that was nice, not being wanted to be spoken to, you know.

    H: It makes me feel like a very powerful person.

    N: I think I’m known as a terribly persistent and annoying person, well not generally of course, only to this assistant and her boss.

    H: So did she put you through?

    N: Of course she did! She was perplexed, things did not unfold as she had imagined. She had imagined, I think, that she would give me that line and then I would be offended and back down, but I am never offended and I never back down.

    H: Oh that is so funny! And how did that discussion go then?

    N: After that it was boring. She asked somewhat annoyed, “Good morning Novemberregen, what can I do for you today?” And I said “same as always, same as always” because, you know, this person needs to do something and she has delayed that, so I call her and email her a lot. She said we would get an answer by tomorrow and I said well thank you, that would be great, otherwise I would call again.

    H: I feel very privileged right now, because we will now stop the TP and I am the only person who in a few seconds will know who that person was, because you will tell me and only me and we will take it to the grave!

    Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2022
    Der große Adventskalender TP - 20. Türchen

    H: Hello, dear!

    N: Hello.It was even more complicated today to start up this laptop, because i'm still logged on on the PC in the office, which is intentionally because…

    Mr. H: Hello, hello, I came in intentionally to say hello, and someone else wants to say hello, too!

    N: Oh, hello, and the doggy dog, hello!

    Mr. H: Normally the cat lies here. Byebye we go again.

    N: Nice to see you. And the doggie is wagging her tail. Oh, everyone is very happy at your household today. So I was saying that you know I I took even longer to log on here today, because i'm still logged on in the office and this is why I now needed to enter 5 passwords and use 2 different kind of hardware tokens and you know this is even more funny, because the reason why i'm still logged on in the office is that it takes for my taste too long in the morning to log, so I might have a case there. I only shut the machine down over the weekend. Otherwise, you know I lose too much time actually and I'm totally aware that security is important. But the balance between security and comfort is no longer a good balance. We are in the red very much.

    H: I never shut down my laptop. I simply don't.

    N: Yeah, Well, I have to, because it gets automatic updates and the like, but once a week is enough. And outside the office I always shut it down because it might get stolen. Not very probable but I know what kind of things happen then in my firm and i don't want to be the person who is the reason, it’s very unpleasant, many institutions involved and I don’t want to be part of this, well I am anyway but not in the role of the person who lost their laptop.

    H: And all the people have to work then that wouldn’t be working otherwise because it’s a holiday.

    N: Exactly. It always happens on weekends or holidays, people get it stolen from their terrace or balcony on the ground floor.

    H: The funny thing is that I would consider people working in your office to be very, very smart, but to leave a laptop outside on the ground floor is not so smart.

    N: Well I always say I donÄt want to have a ground floor, too complicated so this is not a problem I usually have. But even so, I live on the second floor, and the door is not open during the day, because it's like Arctic temperatures outside. But still I shut it down when I leave this desk because it might get lost and when this happens I want to be able to say: yes, it was locked and the hardware token was not inside.

    H: Oh, where's the bear you didn’t get rid of it, did you??

    N: Why should I? Because you said it? That's ridiculous!

    H: But where is it?

    N: I can’t see it either because the camera is mirrored and my brain can’t process such things, I don’t know which way I have to move.

    H: I’m relieved because I do not want to be the reason you get rid of the bear.

    N: And you would be so disappointed in me if I did what you said.

    H: Yes, because this is not the kind of relationship that we normally have.

    N: And you would expect me to have more grit.

    H: But yes, I would also hope that at one point you think okay my kid is 18 years old and this bear is sitting there taking up really a lot of room because it’s a huge bear…

    N: I told you that it is kitty’s bear and also, when I come home and I’m really very exhausted and I fall on this bed because I just can’t make it all the way through to the living room, then I find comfort in the bear. Emotional comfort.

    H: But I am your emotional comfort animal!

    N: Yes, but the bear is more for emotional bodily contact. I’m not sure if you would be available for that.

    (Teil II erscheint später hier.)

    Montag, 19. Dezember 2022
    Der große Adventskalender TP - 19. Türchen (Teil II)

    (Teil I ist hier)

    N: My mind works differently in 2 ways I think. The first is that I don#t see ugliness. It just don't see it, which is a good thing. I don't see it in people, either, which is a good thing, too. It makes me a very friendly person. And the second thing is that I don't want to have a relationship with things, you know I I don't want them necessarily to belong to me. I could live in a furnished apartment that would be fine. I could live in a hotel that would be good for me. I don't want to have a relationship with things. And this is why I don’t like buying things, it creates a relationship, I pay for them with my money and invite them into my home and then it’s like a vampire, they drain my energy.

    H: I lived in a furniture department for 2 years, because I lived in California. So you moved there with a suitcase basically and well it was it's. It was the apartment of an architect and designer. So it was very nice. But why, this was totally okay, is because I didn't have much stuff. So my main motivation for having furniture is to have a very good system to store stuff.

    N: Yes, and I don't want to have stuf. If there was a place we could go in the morning, you could go there naked, and they would clothe you, and then in the evening you return the clothes that would be perfect for me. I don’t want to own stuff.

    H: Yeah, but you have a lot of stuff.

    N: Yes, I guess and I feel burdened by it. I didn't invite all this stuff into my home, other people did that.

    H: I need to tell you by the way, so i'm looking as you sitting in a chair. Okay, So everybody needs to have a chat behind you there's a bed, but I normally sleep there, so this needs to be there, too, but I also see that huge like humongous teddy bear.

    N: OK but it does not belong to me. It belongs to another person in the household.

    H: But why is it in your room?

    N: This is not my room. If it was my room, why would the washing be in there and your bed? Why should I concern myself with what is in this room?

    H: That’s true.

    N: I’m a poor person and don’t have my own room.

    H: But I guess the person the bear belongs to has their own room.

    N: Actually the bear now belongs to the cat. She sleeps in the bear’s lap. It’s very cute. The cats are the real proprietors of this apartment.

    H: Now I’m out of all the arguments in the world. because you cannot argue with cats.

    N: Anyway, I want to say again how much I dislike having things and it always happens that people give me things because they just don’t listen. For my birthday for example.

    H: But I gave you a useful thing!

    N: Yes, that’s right, so I won’t give that away.

    H: Hold on, how do you mean I won't give that away?

    N: Well you know that I always give things away because I don’t want them, I do it all the time. It is things other people give me although I keep saying I don’t want things. So I give them away. What should I do? By the way, the cat is very excited, and is licking my arms and legs because I smell of your dog.

    H: Oh, yeah, and my dog was very unhappy when you left, because she didn't realize that you were going.

    N: Oh, I didn’t say goodbye, I’m sorry but I was in a hurry.

    H: Well, it made the cat very happy because the dog was very unhappy, and whenever the dog is unhappy the cat is very happy.

    N: I see. So I made the dog happy by coming, and I made the cat happy by going. This sounds fair. So we make everyone happy and stop this transcript now.

    Sonntag, 18. Dezember 2022
    Der große Adventskalender TP - 18. Türchen (Teil II)

    (Teil 1 ist hier.)

    H: Okay, So let me tell you about how to pay a compliment. My husband is trained so well that he can make appropriate sounds about a piece of clothing that I wear without looking at it. So I enter the room and I say how's that dress and he says, awesome. Still looking at his paper, and at 1 point I explained to him you first have to look, and then then you have to wait 2 seconds so I get the impression that you actually think about it and then you must say “looks good”.

    N: But I don’t know if you want to look younger! You certainly don’t want to look like a spotty teenager! I would have to say “you look 39” only 39 is much too flat, 38 is much better. Oh, all words are so loaded with meaning and context I feel overwhelmed by this at the moment.

    H: I also have a new sweater.

    N: Yes, it's nice, very nice. It's very screen-friendly.

    H: Yeah, I thought so, and people only know me in black and white stripes. So now I have blue and brown stripes, I’m a totally new person.

    N: And they no longer think you're in jail!

    H: Oh, this crazy person! I remember that at 1 point I explained to the client, my main client that I conference with I don't know, 3 times a week, and at 1 point I explained to her it's always a different sweater. I have many of those. and she knew because she saw little differences. I didn't want to look like this very poor and very scary person who wore the same sweater for 3 years.

    N: Well, it might also be a very efficient person if you just have one set of clothing. But you have it multiple times.

    H: But I wanted to make sure that they knew if they sat next to me I wouldn't be smelly.

    N: Yeah, because now these days it's important to you what the people think. AnywayI've just come back from a corona test center. and for the first time in the whole pandemic I was in one which I think was maybe one of those money laundering places.

    H: Oh, fantastic! How did you find out?

    N: Well, I didn't find out, I just assume, I'm judgmental.

    H: Okay, What led you to the assumption?

    N: Well, first of all, I booked the appointment online but when I came there they did not have any “online” but I had to fill in a piece of paper, you know with a pen and handwriting, horrible. And there were youths loitering on the steps in front of the testing center. And actually those were the people doing the tests. So I just pushed through them to get inside, and they followed me, and I thought, Oh, what is going on now? Why are they following me? Are they going to rob me? But no, they were going to stick a swab inside my nose.

    H: Was it professional, the sticking part?

    N: Actually it was better than my last experience. Last time at the other place they only touched my nose hair or something. And I even got the result, I was afraid this would’nt work because I had to write down my email address and you know, my name is a bit difficult and my handwriting is a bit difficult, so I was not sure if I’d ever get the result but I did.

    H: You can always use my name if you like. I have this very easy name that is one tenth of the amount of letters that your last name has.

    N: Yes, and I always thinkI need this additional email address with a simple name just for those purposes. But then I forget immediately again, and they’re probably all taken, the easy email addresses. And I would have to decide on the name. I would like to find the perfect name for such an email address which works internationally. So no Karin with K or C or e or i.

    H: I jused a name as my Starbucks name but it was only good for speaking: Anne.

    N: Yes, that’s good in speaking but obviously does not work in writing. Sarah is difficult, too. Can be with or without H

    H: Rose is easy!

    N: Oh, yes and you can pronounce it differently depending on which country you are in and you can even say “like the flower”.

    H: But rose@gmail.com is probably already taken.

    N: I need to find out but I think so. I could add an easy number like 4711.

    November seit 6872 Tagen

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