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    Montag, 5. Dezember 2022
    Der große Adventskalender TP - 5. Türchen (Teil II)

    (Teil I hier.)

    N: We went there and said, so okay here we are to get the tree, what is the process? And a guy in an orange vest said: There’s the saws, take one, take a tree. And there were a lot of rusty saws, thy were hanging on some sort of wooden pole. And we took one and said, where do we go now and he said: left or right and waved with his hand around, Christmas trees everywhere. So we went left, found a nice tree and thought, now what, we had to somehow saw it off at the bottom, so you have to kneel in the mud or what? I didn't do that my daughter did that. I just held up the branches of the tree because it was snowy, there was snow on the tree and it fell into the collar our jackets. And the sawing is somehow difficult, you always slip off the stem of the tree - the tree trunk. We were not good at that. And I decided, you know it has advantages to be 50, you can just straighten up and shout to any person “hey come over now we need help here!”, so a young man came and started the sawing and when we had a good notch it was easy and we took the tree to the car. Then there was this huge other guy in an orange vest and he took a look at our tree and says “we need to shape the trunk a bit to fit it into the - wassitcalled - the thing where you insert the tree trunk to keep it upright in the living room” and he has this huge motor saw and makes in incredible hellish sound with it just to chip of a bit of wood here and there. Total show-off. Then we had waffles and mulled wine and sausages, you know, it was a rural area, they always have good sausages there, and you could buy honey and veal - no not veal, what is the word, the pig in the woods?

    H: Boar.

    N: Boar, exactly. And other game. I’m not firm in rural language, I’m a city person, all these activities with plants and animals and making things with my hands, well, I make things with my hands on the computer keyboard.

    H: And then you went back with your muddy shoes.

    N: Yes, we’ll visit Mr. Wash soon.

    H: You know, I have a dog and I live next to a forest. So I go into the forest in the winter like all the time. And you know, my Wellingtons collection in the, what's it what's the word, we call it Winter Garden. Every German person will know what I’m talking about. So, my Wellingtons collection in the Winter Garden and there is a really really really huge amount of dirt on all those pairs of Wellingtons.

    N: It was an arranged activity, I expected someone to take care of this. With carpets, or, I know this from strawberry picking, if you go there are different fields where you can go as a city person for strawberry picking and at some you just kneel in the mud and others, there it is very convenient with straw mats. Anyway, it was a nice event and we’ll go again next year. Then we'll be prepared and next time we will be the people who help other people.

    H: Because you will be the people who know that there's the chainsaw guy and I can borrow you my wellingtons and my outdoor clothing.

    N: We will have this special equipment, like you can buy those rubber covers for your trousers and we may even get an electric saw on Amazon. And the car is not as dirty as one might think, because I went back and asked the orange vest person “What is the plan for cleaning boots?” and there was none, of course, so I asked “Do you have straw here?” and of course they had, there is always straw in the countryside. So we could wipe our boots with straw before getting in the car. And I would wear different clothing, I was wearing a white coat and a very long light pink scarf that was always in the way.

    H: But seriously if you really want to do that next year, I will bring you my one of my many different winter forest outfits for your birthday.

    N: Maybe you want to come along.

    H: No, I don't want to come along!

    N: But your husband would want to come along

    H: For the sausages, yeah okay he would come for the food. But he would feel bad if he chopped a tree. I think for him it's a huge effort, a huge mental effort to have a Christmas tree. He likes Christmas trees, he is the one in the family who always needs a huge Christmas tree. But he tries to abstract away from the fact that this was a living tree, which was chopped for him and gets burned afterwards, and is emitting carbon dioxide like a super nova.

    N: So he's not the psychopathic person who would kill someone and keep the body in his living room to look at. He is not the aggressive type. But he is someone who buys a body.

    H: He would order another person, like a Mafia boss. Here, I give you 60 bucks and you do it.

    N: Yeah, like I just wanna watch.

    H. Like: I don't want to participate.

    N: I think we have said enough now.

    H: That is true. But it was a very nice topic. I hope you do something interesting tomorrow as well because I don't know how my recovery will be.

    N: Maybe for 24 days you will always be in the same room and the same bed.

    H: That would we be really bad because when I need to apply for Bürgergeld afterwards because I lost my clients. Seriously, I have to go and work tomorrow. There is no alternative to that. But I also think after 6 days of lying in bed, one should get up.

    N: But you don't have to go outside to work, right?

    H: Yeah. Yeah. But I need some kind of blood pressure that allows sitting..

    N: Maybe we can do our call early tomorrow so you'll be awake later. Because my presence is so stimulating.

    H: That is true, it gives me, what are those hormones called that make you happy?

    N: I don’t know, but I am stimulating and such a delightful person. I’m very nice. It will give you a good start into the day.

    H: Absolutely. Yeah, just send me an invite.

    November seit 6912 Tagen

    Letzter Regen: 23. Februar 2025, 18:47 Uhr