• Privatbloggen an: novemberregen @ gmail.com
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    Donnerstag, 8. Dezember 2022
    Der große Adventskalender TP - 8. Türchen

    N: There we go. Hello. Hello.

    H: I made a little gasp because you look like you have a bird around your neck, and I didn't know what to say.

    Mr. H: Is the tomcat here in this room?

    H: No, Novemberregen is carrying a dead bird around her neck, not a dead cat.

    Mr. H: Greetings to Novemberregen.

    N: Greetings back. Anyway, what is the health situation like? I see your husband is still alive, we just heard him. And he is concerned about the cat, not about himself so apparently he is not close to death.

    H: No, he's not. But tomorrow he will take his first day off sick.

    N: This year or ever?

    H: Well, I don't know, but definitely this year, and he has taken off sick but he is secretly working from home, I see him, but he has a meeting tomorrow and he doesn't see himself sitting on the train and going into huge meetings with important people.

    N: And it's not a clever thing to go when you have a cold or the flu or whatever it is. Covid.

    H: You don't know. No, no it's not and I encouraged him, and I said, this is your first day off sick this year so maybe you can actually do that because you're actually thick.

    N: That's not such a nice thing to say.

    H: I didn’t say that, the THING said that. I said sick. He's sick, and the kid is also still sick and spends his entire day on the sofa in the living room. And because there's no soccer match today. He re-watched the soccer match from 2014, I think, where we won seven to one.

    N: I don't remember that.

    H: I do remember that. And I remember watching it in the big bed. And my kid was five and he fell asleep. And then, with every goal we went totally crazy, my husband and I, and he cried at every single goal and we told him the story so often that he had to rewatch the match today. So that’s what he did all day. And I worked, and I finished my November reportings which is really great.

    N: That's good.

    H: Now there's only 28 more things I really urgently need to deliver before Christmas.

    N: 28, that's almost like an advent calendar.

    H: Yeah, but much more painful.

    N: Oh, I wouldn't say that.

    H: So how is your health?

    N: Well - I think I’m perfectly healthy.

    H: Wow!

    N: Yes, I don't suffer from anything, even though I had Feuerzangenbowle yesterday and mulled wine. But I woke up and felt, you know, perfect.

    H: You are such an easy person. I would be so bored to be you!

    N: Yeah, well I'm quite happy.

    H: I made myself happy today actually 10 minutes ago. So I finished working at nine and then I made my bed. It was a fever bed and I had been lying in that bed. That's not good. And no, it was not sweaty or anything but I wanted it fresh and perfect. And it's the best time of my life when I made my bed, actually there was no good English word for making your bed because making your bed, that’s what you do in the morning, or what other people do.

    N: You changed the linens.

    H: Yes, in Jane Austen they would say “change the linens” or some hundred years ago. Change the sheets I would say.

    N: But you are Jane Austensy, you change the linens and so you can recline again.

    SIRI: That's how I intelligent afternoon 15 first century something before.

    N: Oh, another INTELLIGENCE is speaking.

    H: Something triggered it, I don’t know why. I don’t even know where it is right now.

    N: Next year for the advent calendar we to a podcast transcript but we don’t speak, your Siri talks to my Alexa. But this is next year. Back to this year. Do we speak about a topic today because we have to be quick, I have many things to do and I am tired already.

    Hier geht es im Laufe des Tages zu Teil II

    November seit 6911 Tagen

    Letzter Regen: 23. Februar 2025, 18:47 Uhr